Important Information Regarding COVID-19

  • Important Information Regarding COVID-19

    Safety is our top priority. In order to ensure the safety of our patients and our healthcare team, we have implemented the following precautionary measures:

    Updated Scheduling Process

    • An updated scheduling process to ensure social distancing in our waiting areas
    • Visitors to the facility will be limited to only those essential for the patient’s physical or emotional well being and care.
    • Patients will be required to wear a mask while in the office


    Patient and Visitor Safety

    • Infection control protocols will be implemented according to CDC and ADA guidelines
    • Surface de-contamination after each patient encounter
    • Hand sanitizer stations at entry and exit of the office
    • Changes in patient flow to minimize patient traffic and maximize inter-personal distancing
    • Testing of all patient-facing workers
    • Acquisition of and training in the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Symptom Screening of everyone before building entry
    • Testing of certain patients prior to elective procedures (pre-procedural testing)


    Nothing is more important to us than the well being and safety of our patients and staff. If you any questions, please do not hesitate to ask

    Thank you for your assistance in helping keep our treatment environment safe for you and your fellow patients.